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Empowering Unique Learners

Planned Giving

Planned giving is a lasting testament to your commitment to Miriam's mission, ensuring that future generations benefit from our programs. By including Miriam in your estate plans, you create a legacy of support for unique learners for years to come.

Planned Gifts are contributions to Miriam that typically come into effect upon the death of the donor or a family member. These gifts can also offer a guaranteed income stream for the donor during their lifetime and/or that of a family member, often presenting a way to alleviate tax burdens. As always, consult with your legal or financial advisor to understand the full benefits and implications for you and your family.

Here are a few examples of planned gifts:

  • Bequest: This is a simple provision in your will. You can phrase it as: “I hereby give the sum of $_______ to Miriam.” Alternatively, you can specify a percentage of your estate: “I hereby allocate five percent of my total estate to Miriam.”
  • Charitable Remainder Trust: Often referred to as a Unitrust or Annuity Trust, this trust ensures income for you, your spouse, children, or another beneficiary and comes with notable tax benefits.
  • Charitable Lead Trust: Miriam can draw income from this trust for a predetermined period, after which the principal is returned either to the donor or another beneficiary.
  • Gift of Life Insurance: Designate Miriam as a beneficiary.
  • Gift of Pension or Retirement Plan: Direct portions of your retirement funds to support Miriam's mission.

For information about including Miriam School and Learning Center in your estate plan, please contact Director of Advancement Heather Kemper at 314.962.6059.