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Empowering Unique Learners
Miriam High School Variety Show: Feel the Connection
Meg Bamford | Head of Miriam School and Learning Center


Last Friday, our Next Steps Transition Fair and our Variety Show led to another festive and fun Friday at Miriam High School. We were thrilled to have 30 vendors join us for the Fair. It was wonderful to have family members participate and to observe our children shine. 

It wasn't until one of the students asked me why my make-up was "pretty smeary," that I realized I wasn’t able to mask the happy, messy celebration of our day (and that I need to buy waterproof mascara for our upcoming events!). It is hard not to be teary when watching our children who came to us with little confidence take command of the stage for the Talent Show. 

The show was about 2 hours long. Even for an audience that can have trouble sitting still, everyone was transfixed, supportive and excited. Students stretched themselves beyond their comfort zone and shared their interests and talents. The 'Taking Notes' school band groupies are actively looking to buy t-shirts!

I think it was vital for our community members to see each other and to see their children thrive in our nurturing environment. It validates the sacrifices that families make day in and day out to get their children to Miriam. To be a parent is hard enough, since none of our children came with an instruction manual. However, to be a parent and a grandparent of a child who sees the world differently and is not a traditional learner, can be exhausting and overwhelming. Yet, last Friday reminded our community, we are not alone. 

Miriam School K-12 is an incredibly special place, but what holds us together is not the cinder blocks and mortar of our buildings but the many layers of the community our mission creates.

Take a Twirl

How do we help our kids gain confidence in trying something new? I think it is shifting from celebrating the final product, whether it is an art project or a final grade, to celebrating the steps it took for your child to get to the end of the process.

Read More about Take a Twirl